Have you ever been truly amazing at something you have seen totally mesmerized by it then you will know how I felt when I went into on to
Scrapmatts this morning to check out the latest blog post and wow I am speechless is all I can say what
Sonia Thomason has done with her ATC is just unbelievable they are stunning is about the only description one can give to her work. Why not call in at
Scrapmatts and check out the blog post to see this truly amazing work.
This is a small snippet of Sonia Thomason's amazing ATC
While there also check out the September challenge your chance to win $25.00 of your choice in
Scrapmatts chipboard for just doing a scraplift of cause the only catch is that your lift must have at least 1 piece of
Scrapmatts Chipboard
Now you have me so intrigued! No Scrapmats here in Canada yet!
Wow! Looks so pretty. Must check this out. Thanks for the heads-up Kim. x0x
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